EdTech: How Technology Is Changing Education In Africa

Technology is rapidly advancing and there are no signs of it stopping. It has transformed many industries including education.

EdTech (Education Technology) combines innovative learning techniques with digital technology. As such it represents a new era of education.

It’s so much more than just a tablet full of educational content. In emerging countries, it’s about building the right infrastructure, providing the right hardware and software. It’s also about answering questions around the right content, training, and support.

Today, many educators, as well as parents, understand that technology has the power to elevate education. So, it’s no surprise that the demand for EdTech products is increasing.

The Beginning of E-learning in Africa

In 1960, several African countries combined education and technology using radio and TV to improve training for teachers and provide lessons to students.

The 1990s was the era of computer hardware. National and international entities started equipping schools with computers facilitating digital education – such as educational software and CDs.

Initiatives such as Africa Information Society Initiative (AISI) or One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) were promising at first but didn’t fit in the African environment. AISI failed to deliver on its promise to connect African villages with a global information network by 2010. And OLPC laptops were expensive, limited and needed electricity to work – something that wasn’t possible in many schools.

From 2010 onwards, modernised tablets and mobile tools offered a solution to resolve the lack of books and educational materials. The most significant progress occurred in South Africa, Kenya, and Uganda.

There are unlimited advantages of EdTech and its impact the world over;

EdTech helps students access global education

There are many countries around the world lacking access to tools and resources in their educational sector. If integrated thoughtfully, e-learning applications and platforms are a cost-efficient solution to this issue.

The focus of many developers is to make educational technology available to as many students around the world as possible.

EdTech helps students develop in-demand skills

Digital technology will soon be at the core of most industries. The interactive approach of educational technology encourages students to obtain digital skills, which will be vital to succeed in the labour market.

EdTech brings global opportunities for national economies

It’s important to teach students digital skills so they can become a generation that’s ready to compete in a global market.

If students can become familiar with technology at a young age, it sparks many market possibilities; a chance to compete against developed economies.

Here Is How TECHAiDE Is Helping Students In Ghana

We’re a fast-growing EdTech company founded over a decade ago which specializes in improving education, youth development, and health delivery through ICT. Our EdTech services are ASANKA, EDULab and Makerspace.

In collaboration with our international development partners like Friends of Yamoransa Foundation (FYF) and Helping Africa Foundation (HAF) we have provided appropriate technologies and developed human capacities that unleashes the potential of individuals, communities and institutions across Ghana.

So, email us admin@techaide.global for more information and your thoughts on how we can reach you with our EdTech facilities.