
Excel with EDULab

EDULab is a Safe, Reliable Green Computing Solution for Teaching, Learning and Community Development.

Excel with EDULab

EDULab is a Safe, Reliable Green Computing Solution for Teaching, Learning and Community Development.

EDULabs Installed
Computers Installed
Students Impacted
Teachers Reached
EDULabs Installed
Computers Installed
Students Impacted
Teachers Reached
EDULabs Installed
Computers Installed
Students Impacted
Teachers Reached

EDULab Benefits 

EDULab offers a suite of advanced tools and resources designed to
elevate educational experiences and outcomes.

  • Computers (Single-User System): Enhance digital literacy and access a wealth of educational resources through dedicated computer systems.
  • TECHAiDE Bundles: Pre-installed educational software that support foundational digital skills, coding, and subject-specific mastery.

  • ASANKA: Deliver educational content offline to devices like laptops, phones, and tablets. Engage learners with relevant, localized, and customizable content.
  • Multimedia Teaching Tool: Utilize projectors and other visual aids to make complex concepts more accessible and keep students engaged with dynamic presentations.
  • LEGO SPIKE Prime: Foster STEM learning through hands-on building and programming, enhancing creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Arduino Kit: Encourage innovation and practical problem-solving with hands-on electronics and programming projects.
  • VR Setup: Increase engagement with interactive 3D environments, offering virtual tours and realistic simulations for enhanced learning experiences.
  • 3D Printer: Enable rapid prototyping and the creation of custom educational tools and models, supporting creative exploration and practical application.
  • Ozobot: Teach coding skills and stimulate creativity with interactive robots that offer customizable behaviors for a fun learning experience.

EDULab Benefits 

EDULab offers a suite of advanced tools and resources designed to elevate educational experiences and outcomes.

  • Computers (Single-User System): Enhance digital literacy and access a wealth of educational resources through dedicated computer systems.
  • TECHAiDE Bundles: Pre-installed educational software that support foundational digital skills, coding, and subject-specific mastery.

  • ASANKA: Deliver educational content offline to devices like laptops, phones, and tablets. Engage learners with relevant, localized, and customizable content.
  • Multimedia Teaching Tool: Utilize projectors and other visual aids to make complex concepts more accessible and keep students engaged with dynamic presentations.
  • LEGO SPIKE Prime: Foster STEM learning through hands-on building and programming, enhancing creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Arduino Kit: Encourage innovation and practical problem-solving with hands-on electronics and programming projects.
  • VR Setup: Increase engagement with interactive 3D environments, offering virtual tours and realistic simulations for enhanced learning experiences.
  • 3D Printer: Enable rapid prototyping and the creation of custom educational tools and models, supporting creative exploration and practical application.
  • Ozobot: Teach coding skills and stimulate creativity with interactive robots that offer customizable behaviors for a fun learning experience.

EDULab Packages

Our EDULab packages are tailored to meet the diverse needs of educational institutions and
learners, providing comprehensive solutions to enhance the learning experience.

EDULab Packages

Our EDULab packages are tailored to meet the diverse needs of educational institutions and learners, providing comprehensive solutions to enhance the learning experience.

EDULab Premium

  • Computers – Multi User

  • STEM Kits (Aduino & Ozobot – Bit+)
  • Teacher Training

  • Technical Support (1 Year)

  • Free Needs Assessment

  • Virtual Reality Setup

  • 3D Printer

  • Solar Installation

  • LEGO SPIKE Prime

  • Multimedia Teaching Tool

EDULab Gold

  • Computers – Single Users

  • STEM Kits (Aduino & Ozobot – Evo)
  • Teacher Training

  • Technical Support (1 Year)

  • Free Needs Assessment

  • Virtual Reality Setup

  • 3D Printer

  • Solar Installation

  • LEGO SPIKE Prime

  • Multimedia Teaching Tool

EDULab Plus

  • Computers – Single Users


  • STEM Kit (Aduino & Ozobot – Evo)
  • Teacher Training

  • Technical Support (1 Year)

  • Free Needs Assessment

  • Virtual Reality Setup

  • 3D Printer

  • Solar Installation

  • LEGO SPIKE Prime

  • Multimedia Teaching Tool

Our EDULab packages are tailored to meet the diverse needs of educational institutions and
learners, providing comprehensive solutions to enhance the learning experience.

Our EDULab packages are tailored to meet the diverse needs of educational institutions and learners, providing comprehensive solutions to enhance the learning experience.

Clients we’ve worked with

Clients we’ve worked with

Our Process


Needs Assessment

This process starts with a field visit to access the proposed facility. We consider security arrangements; take appropriate measurements of the proposed infrastructure for technical layout recommendations. The output of this process is a detailed report with recommendations.


Equipment Acquisition

If the needs assessments and the recommendations are approved, we proceed to acquire equipment for the installation of the EDULab. For quality assurance, the installed system(s) is tested prior to deployment.



Our friendly, knowledgeable ICT Team will install your technology in the location approved in the Needs Assessment Report. We take the fear out of Tech and help you use your technology to Empower.



TECHAiDE strongly believes that it’s not the technology but the people that make a difference. We also understand that any technology without good training is a waste of time and money. So our friendly, knowledgeable, and patient staff will help train you and your team on the newly installed EDULab, including other hardware, software & maintenance.


Technical Support

TECHAiDE will provide several maintenance visits around the beginning of each academic term. We make sure that your lab is up and running so your ICT teacher can teach without worry.


Impact Assessment

To prove that the EDULab is the best tool for teaching and learning and has a real impact on your students’ exam scores, TECHAiDE conducts an annual Impact Assessment. We gather data from you on how well your students do on their exams and compare them to previous years, proving that an EDULab truly does improve learning and exam scores.

Frequently Asked Question

Have questions? We are here to help.

What is an EDULab?2022-09-02T12:02:39+00:00

EDULab is an educational resource designed to improve teaching and learning especially ICT, Science, English, Math and testing for exams. It comprises of carefully selected appropriate and robust hardware and software that also helps administrators to effectively improve educational outcomes whilst saving time and money. EDULab is a Safe, Reliable Green Computing Solutions for Teaching, Learning and Community Development.

If you would like to order an an EDULab contact your Regional Sales & Training Manager by Dropping us a Line here and selecting ‘Get A Quote.’

What types of software are provided on an EDULab?2022-08-15T10:11:35+00:00

EDULabs comes with:

  • Certified Microsoft Software – Genuine Operating System software
  • Certified Microsoft Office Suite of software – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, One Note, Outlook, Skype
  • Lab management software – maintains system integrity against viruses & malware
  • TECHAiDE Bundle – is carefully selected software that impacts teaching & learning STEM to help students pass the BECE and WACE
What’s a thin client?2022-08-15T10:12:03+00:00

In computer networking, a thin client is a simple (low-performance) computer that has been optimized for establishing a remote connection with a server-based computing environment. The server does most of the work, which can include launching software programs, performing calculations, and storing data. (reference Wikipedia)

What happens when my EDULab isn’t working after a year of purchase?2022-08-15T10:12:28+00:00

Unfortunately, TECHAiDE support ends 12 months from your purchase date. However, TECHAiDE offers a Service Level Agreement (SLA) at a cost where you can continue to have our support and maintenance of your EDULab. If you would like to order an SLA contact your Regional Sales & Training Manager by Dropping us a Line here and selecting ‘Get A Quote.’

How can we get an EDULab?2022-08-15T10:18:21+00:00

First, you’ll need to schedule a Needs Assessment with your Regional Sales & Training Manager by Dropping us a Line here and selecting ‘Get A Quote.’ as the subject

What is the least number of computers can I have in an EDULab?2022-08-15T10:20:13+00:00

Four (4) is the fewest number of seats you can purchase for an EDULab.

What happens if my school does not use Ghana Education Service syllabus?2022-08-15T10:22:15+00:00

No problem! We have worked with schools that use the Cambridge curriculum or specialized curriculum. We can modify the software to meet your needs. The first step is to schedule a Needs Assessment with our your Regional Sales & Training Manager by Dropping us a Line here and selecting ‘Get A Quote.’

How would TECHAiDE support me if I already have a computer lap with computers?2022-08-15T10:21:24+00:00

The first step is to schedule a Needs Assessment with our your Regional Sales & Training Manager by Dropping us a Line here and selecting ‘Get A Quote.’ You should explain you have an existing lab and that you want us to evaluate the state of your lab. We would then write a report and make recommendations on how to bring your lab up to the EDULab Gold Standard. This may include new computers but it may just mean improving your existing set of computers.

EDULab Financing Options2022-09-14T15:32:02+00:00

Clients can pay TECHAiDE directly in 2 payments. Take your invoice amount given to you from your TECHAiDE Sales Officer. Your first payment will 80% of the value of the invoice. Your second payment will be 20% of the value of the invoice. See your TECHAiDE Sales Officer to get started. Get a quote.

EDULab Loan

Clients can apply for an EDULab Loan through one of our partner banks, Sinapi Aba or Opportunity International. Often times the interest rates for these loans are lower than Commercial Bank rates because of this program. Please contact your TECHAiDE Sales Officer to get started. Get a quote.

TECHAiDE Financing (TF)

Clients can also apply for TECHAiDE Financing. Clients must first be pre-approved for TF through their TECHAiDE Sales Officer. If they are approved their payments will be the final invoice amount divided into 12 monthly installments paid directly to TECHAiDE. Clients will sign a Payment Terms Contract. Work on their EDULab will start when when 80% of their invoice amount is paid. See your TECHAiDE Sales Officer to get started. Get a quote.

  • TF Terms are as follows:
    1. The client agrees to pay that amount on the quote without any further changes
    2. The quote has to be more than 2000 GHS to qualify for TF
    3. Clients must be able to pay the full amount of the quote in 12-months or less.
    4. 25% penalty if the Client withdraws their money before full payment is made.
    5. No penalty for early payment.
    6. No interest.
    7. No limit on the # of payments
How can I get help for my TECHAiDE product?2022-09-02T12:07:09+00:00

If you’ve not been able to find a solution on these help pages, please feel free to email us at or give us a call at +233.30.397.6600 | +233.26.573.3200.

TECHAiDE Banking Information2023-03-01T09:48:44+00:00

Deposit cash or cheque into our TECHAiDE account below. Make sure you indicate the correct SO# so it is correctly credited to the appropriate account.

Primary Payment Account (GHS) Current
Account Name: TECHAiDE Limited
Bank: Stanbic Bank Ghana
Bank Branch/Address: Kasoa, Central Region
Current No.: 9040004406308

Secondary Payment Account (USD) Current
Name: TECHAiDE Limited
Bank: Stanbic Bank Ghana
Bank Branch/Address: Kasoa, Central Region
Current Account: 9040004453829

MTN Momo Payment Account (GHS)

TECHAiDE = +233 540968708

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