
Akofresh Company Limited


Ashanti Region,


Sept 2023




Akofresh Company Limited


Ashanti Region,


Sept 2023



Project Brief

TECHAiDE and Akofresh developed the ASANKA device, an offline tool that delivers crucial training and educational resources to farmers in Ghana for improved agricultural practices.

Akofresh is renowned for its groundbreaking initiatives in sustainable agriculture within Ghana. The company specialises in IoT-enabled off-grid cold storage technology that preserves perishable crops, significantly extending their shelf life from 5 to 21 days. This advancement decreases wastage and empowers farmers to engage with buyers and secure fair prices. Additionally, Akofresh is committed to effectively training farmer stakeholders in leveraging their technologies and imparting critical digital, conservation, and post-harvest management skills.

To maximize the impact of their training programs, Akofresh recognized the need for a dynamic, accessible, and practical educational solution for farmers. Seeking TECHAiDE’s expertise, they aimed to develop a tool that would empower farmers with essential skills and knowledge crucial for sustainable agricultural practices.

TECHAiDE introduced the ASANKA device, a sophisticated offline education content deployment tool tailored to cater to educational needs without requiring an internet connection. The device was customized to host Akofresh’s farmer training modules. This enabled the creation of a comprehensive digital training tool that proved to be highly effective and impactful for the Akofresh Farmer Training Program.

The ASANKA device was preloaded with free Educational GES multifaceted content, offering farmers and their families access to a wide array of educational resources beyond just agricultural practices, catering to holistic development.

This collaboration between Akofresh and TECHAiDE exemplifies how innovative technology and strategic partnerships can drive sustainable agricultural practices and empower communities through education.

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