The Yamoransa Model Labs have significantly impacted underserved communities by providing ICT resources and fostering community development. These labs enhance STEM education by equipping selected communities with modern robotic kits in ICT centers. The program aims to improve students’ practical skills, studies, and career prospects. Additionally, it supports sustainable development by collaborating with communities to achieve goals like quality education, gender equality, good health, clean water, and affordable clean energy.

TECHAiDE, as an implementing partner of the Yamoransa Model Labs, has installed 12 labs across Ghana, Gambia, and Liberia. Supported by the Helping Africa Foundation, led by Dr. Deborah Rose, and local advocates, the project continues to expand its impact throughout all regions of Ghana and beyond.

Initiation and Early Efforts (2016)

In 2016, TECHAiDE was tasked with installing computers and robotic kits in the new Information, Communications, and Technology (ICT) Center at Yamoransa in the Central Region of Ghana. With support from the Helping Africa Foundation (HAF), led by Dr. Deborah Rose, the ICT Center was completed and became the flagship project of the Yamoransa Model (YM) Lab for Sustainable Development.

Expansion and Development (2017-2019)

In 2017, the Yamoransa Model expanded with the establishment of Lab 2 at L&A Memorial Academy in Accra, following a needs assessment by TECHAiDE. A picture of a teacher using the blackboard to teach Microsoft Office in 2018 at Betenase Junior High School went viral in Ghana, attracting the attention of Dr. Deborah Rose, and leading to the installation of Lab 3 by TECHAiDE. This marked the formal branding of the Yamoransa Model for Sustainable Development, involving community commitment to building or renovating sites for ICT centers.

A five-year plan was presented in late 2018 to build labs in each of Ghana’s regions. Lab 4 was established by TECHAiDE in Choggu, Northern Region, in May 2019, and Lab 5 in Kyebi, Eastern Region, in September 2019, following meetings with the Second Lady of Ghana, Samira Bawumia, and the President of Ghana.

Further Expansion (2020-2021)

In November 2020, Labs 6, 7, and 8 were constructed and dedicated in Peki-Avetile, Nkonya Ahenkro, and Bogosa, respectively, with support from local leaders and community members. Additional labs, YM 9, YM 10, and YM3.1, were built in the Ashanti, Ahafo, and Bono East regions, respectively, with strong local support.

Setup Outside Ghana

In 2021, the first lab outside Ghana, GM1, was set up by TECHAiDE in Gambia to serve eight schools. The lab consists of 48 computer units with robotic kits and solar installation. This lab was established upon the request of Ms Sukai Sey, a close friend of Dr Deborah Rose.

Recent Developments (2022)

In 2022, TECHAiDE installed YM Labs 11 and 12 in Juaboso (Western North Region) and Nkrankwanta (Bono Region).


The YM Labs have profoundly impacted lives in underserved communities in Ghana, Gambia, and other parts of Africa. 

The 12 labs set up under the model have covered 10 regions in Ghana, benefiting 47 communities, positively affecting 76 schools, and impacting over 25,000 students and 112 teachers. Continued investment in this model will greatly improve STEM education in Ghana and Africa at large.