Yamoransa Model 5-Year Outlook
Working in partnership with NGOs, private institutions and philanthropists, TECHAiDE’s mission is to impact education in Africa.
In 2019/20 TECHAiDE has been working to impact education in Ghana by partnering with Implementers (IMP) a project management NGO, and two funders Helping Africa Foundation (HAF) and Friends of Yamoransa Foundation (FYF) to encourage sustainable development in Ghana through the Yamoransa Model (YM). The YM Model links a community to change-agents, which in-turn follows a design process that explores a community’s needs. Then a solution is designed and implemented. Through feedback, assessment, and learning, the changes are made sustainable.
With the leadership and project management of Implementers, TECHAiDE has successfully used the Yamoransa Model to install EDULabs in five regions of Ghana namely Central Region (YM Lab 1), Greater Accra Region (YM Lab 2), Ashanti Region (YM Lab 3), Northern Region (YM Lab 4) and Eastern Region (YM Lab 5).
Between 2020 and 2024, the company projects to continue its partnership with IMP, HAF & FAF to complete installations in all sixteen regions of Ghana.
If you want to bring an EDULab to your school, contact (edulab@techaide.global) a Sales & Training Officer today for a price quote.